Home workouts, COVID 19, and the paradigm shift

Apr 6, 2020

 by Karina Wait

The 2019 novel coronavirus, or COVID-19 for short, has turned 2020 upside down. The start of a century, awesome new year goals, motivation high; now slashed. COVID-19 has caused the temporal closure of all gyms- a place where many go to relieve stress, to see friends, and to get healthier. Now with many being confined to their homes, those same goals can't occur, right? Wrong. This is where a paradigm shift occurs.


A paradigm shift is defined as 'an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new or different way' (Merriam-Webster, 2020). This shift is correlated with behavior change. For many, behavior change is tough, not due to an understanding of the circumstance, but due to the development of contrasting feelings about the change (Huffman, 2014). For example, with the combined implementation of the Safe at Home initiative and kids staying home from school, many parents are saying that they "don't have time to workout". Furthermore, most homes do not have the same equipment as a gym does and thus, the phrase "but I don't have equipment so, I can't do that workout" comes into play. How to create this shift so you can be successful at home during this crisis?

For starters, see the positive of the situation. What can you learn from this experience? Reframing your current thoughts about the situation will help. If you have the kids at home, do a workout with them. Lead by example, burn some energy and have fun. If you're feeling lost or unmotivated because your routine is all screwed up, what are some things that you can keep the same or improve on? Diet and sleep are two of those variables. Another positive would be to think about things you could improve on. The two variables mentioned above could be. Otherwise, was there a household chore that was being ignored, a book that was getting dusty, a cookbook that could use some extra loving, family members that you haven't talked to in a while, or another goal that you have been wanting to try? Now is the time!

Seeking help and guidance from others is another way to help your situation. Many gyms, CrossFit too, have gone virtual. What this means is that your gym is not gone but, on a different platform. So, the excuse of "not having time to drive to the gym" becomes "the gym is right here. I don't have to drive". This is an awesome thing because you can still see your friends and burn some steam in the comforts of your own home. With workouts, many gyms are programming body-weight only workouts so, no equipment is needed and to be honest, everyone can get better at body-weight movements. However, if you're looking for extra workouts, check out the homepage of your affiliate, ask the coaches for help, search online, or talk to your friends. Technology provides the opportunity to stay connected so, stay connected.

As our lives become more uncertain, it becomes imperative that we continue to control the things that we can control. But, it's just as important to be flexible and positive. Allowing yourself to change your way of thinking will help make quarantining better. Overall, continue to exercise, eat well, prioritize sleep, and accomplish some new goals. YOU CAN DO THIS.

Coach Karina, CF L1, USAW Sports Performance Coach, BS-Kinesiology


Huffman, M. (2014, December 24). The New Paradigm Shift in Exercise Guidance... and Why it Matters! Retrieved April 3, 2020, from https://www.exercise-science-guide.com

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Paradigm shift. In Merriam-Webster.com dictionary. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/paradigm%20shift